Introducing: Afreagle Ventures

I feel the need to philosophize the marketing of my new products. Well to be honest with you, it was in my mind from the honing of the ideas congenitally.

In a world where it seems like there is a conspiracy to steal away the health of people through the proliferation of certain products in the market, coming up with something that aims to do the opposite is greeted with raised eyebrows. The human body once exposed to something over a period of time, usually has the tendency to be mastered by it. There is therefore a binary principle to be applied here: either you get sucked into the orbit of poor health choices or you take the reins of your ship and save it from shipwreck, Captain.

The human body is a gift, God's gift to man and should be treated with more appreciation than usually is the case.

It is surprising coming face to face with the knowledge that the human body only generates vitamin D on its own and usually the vitamin K it produces is in paucity, usually regarded as nonexistent. The rest of the vitamins that the body needs must be conusumed consciously and constantly. This also applies to most of the other nutrients the body needs to function optimally or to even heal. We have to recognize some of the foods with required nutritional value and consume them; those without, we toss out like bad fruit.

So, more than just making money,  for me it is about putting something out there in the market that benefits you immensely - providing good value for money. This phrase is thread-bare but still remains true: health is wealth.

In my next post, I would be sharing more on the benefits of certain foods. Strictly those of my processing.


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