Use Moringa's Miraculous Leaves

Need I say much? Well, I should say a little about Africa's finest - the Moringa Tree. This tree is so rich that it is dubbed the tree of life or the Miracle Tree. It contains vastly an array of nutrients that are requisite for good health. I have my own personal experience from using the leaves of Moringa. But before we get to that, let me round you up a bit on some of the factual nutritious benefits of using Moringa leaves. Moringa is said to have 25 times more iron than spinach, 7 times more vitamin C than Oranges, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 4 times more protein than eggs, 10 times more vitamin A than Carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, etc. That's a lot, isn't it? And it's a lot cheaper than most of the things we spend money on to stay healthy. Now let me let you on the inside of my experience. I was one time - not too long ago - attacked by posses of malignant pimples that spread all over my face like beans infested with weevils. I tried a...